April 25, 2014 / by Eric
You're probably wondering why I've brought you all here today.

You’re probably wondering why I’ve brought you all here today.

We’re proud to announce that Aric “” Fehrenbacher is moving on to a fulltime job at another of our favorite local businesses, Central Cinema. This move will allow Aric to work mere blocks from his new home in the Central District while supporting his film studies at Seattle University (alma mater of other former employees and Matthew Martell).

Aric's new work commute.

Aric’s new work commute.

Aric takes with him several store records including “longest continuous employment” (3 1/2 years, no easy task, I can assure you, have you met me?), “only employee to ever manage both the shop and the lounge” (at separate times, of course, but still impressive) and, “only employee to have ever worked the shop, then the lounge, then both, then just the shop again” (that’s some versatility right there) and, I think it can be said with total honesty that, all along the way, sometimes to my consternation, sometimes to my amusement, he did it his way.

Fuck it. I’ll take the steak knives.

If you would like to pay final tribute to this Gamma Raygun iconoclast, you can visit him during his last counter shift at the shop tomorrow for our all ages Journey into Nyx prerelease event.

Or you can just catch him at the Raygun Lounge sometime. Because let’s be real, it’s not like he’s not still going to be hanging around there all of the time anyways. 😉

Aric, we salute you, wish you well, and look forward to seeing on the other side of the counter again soon.